Thanks to Matteo Fato’s intervention, the room is completely transformed, becoming, in fact, an articulated polyptych that the visitor is called to enter, to participate in. The artist’s mind is opened in front of us, allowing us to discover the creative process behind the work. On the walls we find, painted individually, a disoriented elderly person, a fork incomprehensibly stuck into a wooden beam and a fragrant plant. Three elements actually
gathered in the place that inspired the work, put in dialogue with one another. A singularity that becomes a fusion in the collage in the mirrored frame and in the large final painting. The images are somehow summarised and “illuminated” by the predominant colour cast of the room, expressed in green monochrome and by a faint neon; an element that, to the artist, evokes in itself the third dimension – Fontana docet – but which is also a disturbing element, which distracts attention from the canvases. It is a necessary disorientation, desired by the artist, which invites the viewer to search for a real perception of his work, thanks to getting past the direct visual of the painting.
Matteo Fato, Senza titolo con Collage (impersonale), 2012 / 2016, oil on linen, rabbit glue and pigment on linen, plywood shipping crates, neon sculpture, collage on paper, plywood frame and mirror
Courtesy of the Artist and Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venice